

Where do I even start? It's been months, and I need to be more diligent about posting. Well, here's the last chunk of time in pictures...

Let's start at the holidays and move forward...

Jaxie received an inflatable log house from Santa which has since become somewhat of a slip and slide sans water.

Prime example of why I take all of the photos.

Going to see the Lion King musical at the Orpheum in January...

Jax and Jessa having a playdate

A quick weekend trip to the Dells in February...

Jax swimming at the Dells

Yep, as of February 14th I have a new last name...

Busy developing Fall 2012 for b&b

Lookout Ridge - one of the ways to entertain Jax on snowy days

Tickle time with "beans"

My obsession with vintage

Mama's vintage obsession rubbing off on Jaxie