

So thankful to Ali Kaplan for the great writeup on Minnmoms today, and to Keena Marxhausen with Hope Photography for the great pic!


It's Tuesday...I like you.

"Give him tuna...it's a great source of protein!"
I wish the Doctor would have been around to clean up THAT diaper.
On the bebe side, we're working on new foods. With only six teeth (yes, six, and yes, it looks funny) there isn't much he can chew so we're limited. He eats a lot of pasta, loves carrots, apples and strawberries...and then we throw in some sweet potatoes, bananas, puffs, o's, yogurt melts and chicken here and there. I've even peeled and diced grapes. We're going to try eggs tonight (bracing for another up-the-back-out-the-sides-on-the-floor-diaper).
b&b side - search engine stuff, PR stuff, inventory stuff...nothing all that interesting, so I'll spare you all. We are looking forward to an amazing holiday season!
On the "me" side, I'm in love with this blogger - read her blog, Facebook her, Twitter her...



So this is kind of fun...we're working on advertising now. Now that the site is live, we can move forward. Forward motion is good; progress is good.

photos by teryn glenn photography


Love my little Elliot!

And yes, his eyes really are THAT blue - they are not Photoshopped! The new b&b pattern is pretty cute too... :)



Where have we been?

We have been busy creating the site and creating beautiful baby organics. Today is October 1 - and I am such a deadline-driven person it absolutely kills me that we are running behind. Realizing that not everyone runs on "Ann time" has been difficult...and "Ann time" can mean either super-speed or turtle-speed. I've been back and forth between the two for the last three weeks or so. There has been a lot of hurry up and wait...
The little ones in my house have distracted me quite a bit - and they are always the priority. Jax started crawling (or scooting, rather) about two weeks ago and seems to get from one side of the room to the other at the blink of an eye. We hit the point where all of the low-sitting breakables and possible ouchie things had to be moved up higher. His favorite things to do are to climb under the coffee table, seek out any and all cords and play climb mount Mommy. That said, there is pretty much no more working while he's awake (as I write this he is on the bottom shelf of the coffee table near my feet - see picture). He's been a little clingy as well, and anyone that knows me knows that I have a very hard time letting him fuss for more than 30 seconds before I give in and pick him up. That all said, naptime has been reserved for cutting fabric and working on copy for the website...things that need immediate attention to move forward.
So, we still have a bit of work to do on the site - writing some copy and dealing with some technical coding. I'm hoping this will be done within the next week or so. I have also designed a couple more super cute pant sets that need to be photographed...that should be done mid-next week.
Perfection takes time - I'd rather have a site that I am perfectly happy with, than a site that I am constantly re-evaluating in my head.
