
Toilet Water.

So Jax has finally figured out that there is a great new play place....the toilet. I USED to be able to lock him in the bathroom with me while I showered - I would just bring up a bin of toys and he would play nicely. No more. Yesterday he discovered the toilet. Now, showers are going to be limited to nap time, which used to be my hyper-speed work time. Naptime used to be my time to make all of my important phone calls without a screaming child climbing my leg (I like to refer to him as baby Jacqueline when he screams - his screams are like the girl-in-the-horror-movie type of screams). No more.
I NEED to clean my house. I'm having guests today and my house is a wreck. I've been putting all of my energy into getting the store open and getting ready for market - cleaning and laundry has fallen to the wayside. I shouldn't even be writing this right now, I should be dusting and vacuuming and scouring my bathroom. I think I look for just about any reason to put it off...
Our open date with the store was moved back to the 21st due to having to tie up some legalese with the company. I'm good with that though - I'd rather have more time for all of our product to get in and set up the way I want to set up.
Must. Go. Clean.

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