
Pajama Jeans...

I'm normally not one to be sucked in by infomercials...however, I keep seeing "Pajama Jeans" and am for the first time since Proactiv, very tempted. This coming from the woman that used to not wear anything without a couture label. I can't decide if this is the demise of the fashionista in me or just the Mama in me wanting to be comfortable. I'm pretty sure the fashionista is fading. HOWEVER...in my defense...I was at Saks the other day, and found this amazing pair of jeans that were very similar in design to these Pajama Jeans. I'm dying to remember the brand, but I wasn't paying attention (silly me because they fit perfectly). They were a super soft denim with no zipper (but it looked like they had one from the way they were stitched) and only the button at the top came undone. I didn't get them - which was dumb considering that finding jeans that fit is like finding a unicorn. I think I'll be heading back to Saks this week to pick them up. If you've been hiding under a rock for the last few months and haven't seen the commercial for Pajama Jeans, click below.

So b&b has been busy - blankets, blankets and more blankets. I feel like I just caught up. Sara Glassman at the Strib wrote a great little article that blurbed us today - I adore her Pop Fizz Daily emails. If you don't get them, make sure you go to PopFizzDaily.com and sign up. She sends out all the new Twin Cities fashion news as well as updates on sales and discounts.

Also at b&b, we have a bib and burpie sale going on! This is only temporary, so make sure you visit our site soon. The Elliot bib is already sold out! I'm in love with Emmy and Andrew personally - I heart the sherpa backing. AND - remember that the Tate bib is amazing for droolers with its organic batting fill!

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